A heartwarming story has been unfolding in Morris, MB as two boys, who go to the same school have become fast friends because of the urge to help. About two years ago, 11-year-old Maddox Just, suddenly started to suffer from seizures. As he was going thru his health struggles, a message over the school announcements prompted 9 yr Charlie Berg to want to help, so he started drawing Winnipeg Jets players for $5 each. His original goal was to raise $500 and now a little more than a month into raising donations, Charlie has drawn about 100 Jets photos and raised close to $4,000, with no signs of stopping!
The community has now rallied around the Just family and mom Melody is so thankful! Had a chance to talk with her:
Anyone who wishes to donate or get a picture from Charlie to help in his fundraising efforts, contact his mom Jennifer via text at 204-872-2632 or email at jennig9@gmail.com. Plus you can follow Maddox’s journey.